Family Fun days Hertfordshire Bedfordshire Buckinghamshire Berkshire Essex Northants
Family fun days come in all guises from a corporate event to say a big thank you to charity fundraisers, community and village fetes.
Whatever the reason to bring all these people together, it is about the family fun day, enjoying the event and making memories.
Only an event organiser truly knows the hard work that goes into making their family fun day a success.
Inviting the right vendors and suppliers, providing attractions for everyone, keeping them all entertained and going away with fantastic memories …it isn’t easy!
Among all the health and safety aspects, mandatory and voluntary sits the first aid requirements, and whilst some see it as another expense or indeed a type of insurance, one incident without first aid intervention that results in a tragedy is unspeakable.
Recently (August 2017) at a charity event, a person collapsed and went into cardiac arrest, a medic instantly began CPR and saved the person’s life.
Major incidents such as this are not common but one is too many if there is no medic on board.
If we, as event medics looked at the most common reason for people to visit the first aid facilities, it is stings, trips and falls.
A minor sting is uncomfortable, we can ease it, it may escalate from an allergic reaction to anaphylactic shock which can be fatal.
Even that minor sting can make a person feel miserable and indeed spoil their day, they may wish to go home and along with their family.
Family fun days are about pleasure and with a dedicated first aider on-site, it can go a long way to help to keep the fun.
The first aid base is a reassuring token that there is a qualified professional with the right kit and skills to assist in both minor and major incidents.
1stAiders are generally asked to supply one or more first aiders to the same event when it comes around again.
We have smart, qualified and insured first aiders.
We never try to ‘upsell’ our services, if you only need one first aider, we will never try to convince you otherwise and we are happy to discuss your event and look at what level of first aid cover you really require.
In the case of a small event where the risk level low, one qualified first aider is perfectly fine, they can be based in a tent or gazebo, perhaps in a room or indeed from a vehicle.
Clearly, if the risk of injury or illness is a little higher then two or more medics would be required and more attention to the first aid base.
A tent with a privacy area, perhaps a bed, table and chairs. We can even provide an ambulance as a focal point and place to care for patients.
It is rare that a family fun day would require an ambulance on standby to convey a patient under emergency conditions (blue lights), but if it is required, we can provide a CQC (Care Quality Commission) registered ambulance with the appropriate crew. A minimum of two people.
It is important to stress that if a CQC ambulance does convey a casualty to hospital, there will no first aid cover on-site unless provisions are made to book static first aiders and mobile ambulance crew.
If you don’t need a big ambulance, or indeed two, we won’t try to convince you otherwise.
We want you to book us again, and again.
As much as we are more than happy to promise ‘no upselling’, we will also let you know of any risks that may require additional first aiders, this may mean when the event gets later into the night and there is alcohol or perhaps a band, higher risks of injury or illness then we could provide a ‘night shift’.
Whatever your event, please call us for a chat on 033333 92223 or email for a very competitive price and highly professional first aid service.